Over 10,000 Enlargement Procedures

- The Most Rated & Best Rated Penis Enlargement Procedure in The United States -


Penile Girth Enlargement

The technique involves inserting a collagen layering activation filler material into the penis,


Penile Glans Enlargement

Our procedure for the Penile Glans Enlargement treatment can be performed simultaneously


Scrotal Enhancement

Scrotal Enhancement involves altering the size, shape, and tension of the scrotal skin area.

Penis Enlargement Specialist

Dr. Farhan Malik

Dr. Malik is a double board-certified physician specializing in male enhancement,sports medicine, and sexual health.

Practicing for over 20 years, Dr. Malik’s reputation as an honest, compassionate doctor who delivers incredible penis enhancement results has earned Prometheus recognition in the field of sexual health and aesthetics. He was recently selected as Best Male Enhancement Doctor by Best Self Atlanta magazine.

Dr. Malik has also acted as a consulting physician for the Georgia Athletic and Entertainment Commission, covering boxing and mixed martial arts events.


Permanent Penis Enlargement in Atlanta

Our minimally invasive, permanent dermal filler technique is only available at Prometheus XL Centers and performed by professionally trained physicians and surgeons. This technique is performed without the risks associated with typical surgery and with no cutting and no general anesthesia.

The Prometheus XL® — Single Penis Enlargement


Gain more length, .5 to .75 of an inch in girth, & 35% extra volume.

The Prometheus 2XL® — Double Penis Enlargement


Gain more length, 1 to 1.5 inches in girth & 80% additional volume.

The Prometheus 3XL® — Triple Penis Enlargement


Multi-treatment packages for maximum girth, volume & length gains.

Find Confidence In

Permanent Penis Enlargement

Over 10,000 Enlargement Procedures

The Best Rated Male Enhancement Procedure

Why is our minimally invasive technique superior to the very invasive surgical methods available today? Simply put, it is much safer and this is what our patients prefer.

In addition, the minimally invasive techniques are not only much safer but builds your own natural collagen for the enlargement process. It is the newly formed and permanent collagen that builds the new increased size.

This procedure truly is the safest and most permanent solution you can find for penis enlargement. Due to the popularity of this procedure, it has been featured on some of the largest news networks in the world.

Real Patient. Real Results.

Watch and Listen
To What Our Patients Have To Say

The Only Choice For Male Enhancement

Over 10,000 Men Have Chosen This Procedure For Enlargement

Over the last 25 years, the number of male patients seeking aesthetic, cosmetic and plastic surgery services has increased by 500% — from 3% of patients to more than 15% and growing every year.

Not only are we seeing an increase in cosmetic procedures that enhance men’s physiques, but we are also seeing a growing number of procedures that improve men’s physical and sexual health as well as libido. More and more men are seeking cosmetic procedures to help address a wide range of male-specific issues, including gynecomastia surgery, male enhancement and interventions for sexual performance.

At Prometheus XL, we understand our patients want to discuss male enhancement in an environment where they can feel comfortable discussing this private matter. Discretion and privacy are of the utmost importance and you can feel confident that our physician and staff will maintain the utmost confidentiality.

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